
List of Resources

公共空间骚扰应对指南 – 给在英华语性与性别多元社群的手册 A Chinese-Language Guide to Responding to Public Harassment – A Handbook for the Chinese Gender and Sexual Minorities in the UK 给在英跨性别,非二元,性别酷儿和性别非常规者社群的医疗指南 A medical guide for Chinese-speaking transgender, non-binary, genderqueer and gender nonconforming communities in the UK 给在英中文社群的性健康手工书 An informative sexual health zine

Queer China UK Zine Project

Queer China UK has organized zine making workshops on a variety of topics, including “Queering Chinatown”, “Negotiated Identities: Visa Status and My Diasporic Story”, “Making LGBTQ+ History” and “Breaking the Vagina Taboo” . Thanks to the generous contributions of workshop participants, we are able to showcase these beautiful and creative zines online and offline. Please check it out via the…

Queer Chinese Art Festival 2022 is Back!

Covid-19 is not just a kind of infectious disease, but also a manifestation of the imbalance, conflict and oppression that queer people, diasporic communities and artists have long been confronted with.  So, what has the pandemic meant for the queer artists of Chinese descent? And how can queer communities survive the pandemic in the form of art?…

Between Soho and Chinatown | SJ Zhang

I have wanted to write a poem exploring the relationship between Soho and Chinatown for many years, and it was Jamie’s invitation for me to perform at the Queer Chinese Art Festival which finally catalysed me to create a finished edition of the poem. This poem is partially written in response to gay white poetry…

“Living in the UK Made Me Realize That the Chinese-Speaking Queer Diaspora Lacked Sufficient Support and Visibility”: Qiuyan Chen From Queer China UK on Creating Belonging

Many thanks to myGwork for featuring Queer China UK! The original link is : Queer China UK is a home for the Chinese LGBTQ+ diaspora, a space for them to explore their identity and connect with their community, safely and freely. Founded by activist Quiyan Chen fueled by her need for a space where she felt…

Safe Distance Photography Exhibition at LSE Library

Location: LSE Library, London, WC2A 2HD 4 Nov 2021-31 Mar 2022. In early 2021, director Jamie Chi and producer Qiuyan Chen launched 安全距離紀錄片 SafeDistance Documentary, a documentary & photography project. It explores 31 queer Chinese Individuals’ lived experiences and narratives in the UK under COVID-19 pandemic. . In this exhibition, we have selected 8 stories…

2021 Community-focused Queer Chinese Art Festival

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new project “Community-focused Queer Chinese Art Festival” which will run for months. This project amplifies the voices and life experiences of emerging artists and talents through various events including film screenings, exhibitions, panel discussions, workshops, podcast, crafts, art fairs, mentorship, etc. . COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Art is…

SHIVER PRESENT : Jamie Chi * Documentary Project under the Pandemic

Jamie Chi (she/they) , Co-Founder and Programme Development Lead for Queer China UK. She is an independent Filmmaker and Photographer, using her work to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights. Raised in Hong Kong, Chi studied their Masters in Cultural Studies at the University de Lyon 3 in France and later studied Experimental Filmmaking at the University…

2020 Chinese Gender-friendly Mutual Support Community Project

Project Introduction KnowYourself – a new media platform focusing on the field of pan-psychology, has conducted an online survey on the mental health of Chinese students studying abroad in September this year. The survey found that up to 83.95% of the interviewees had experienced at least one psychological breakdown during their study journey. Besides, the news that East…

姬佬去留學②| I am Taiwanese, founded the East Asia LGBTQ+ group in Manchester

Welcome to the second episode of “Exploring the LGBTQ+ Society at British Universities”. This time we go to the University of Sheffield, and interview Elmo. “探秘英國高校LGBTQ+社團”之旅來到了第二期,這壹次我們前往謝菲爾德大學。但比較特別的是,我們這期的嘉賓 – 大毛,活躍在謝菲爾德大學LGBTQ+社團的同時,借助在曼城實習的契機TA還創立了壹個東亞LGBTQ+族群的組織。 在大學社團裏TA經歷過哪些特別的事情?而為何TA認為壹定要成立東亞同誌社群的組織呢?請往下閱讀我們對大毛的這篇采訪叭! 嘉賓:大毛 Guest – Elmo 性別認同為non-binary(非二元性別),2018年秋季來到謝菲爾德大學攻讀 MSc international social change and policy, 曾長期參與同誌運動的壹名臺灣人。 Gender identity is non-binary, came to the University of Sheffield to study MSc International Social Change…


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